Source code for encyclopaedia.encentry_ren

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from renpy import store
from renpy.color import Color
from renpy.display.transform import Transform
from import persistent
from import TintMatrix

from .utils_ren import string_to_list
from .eventemitter_ren import EventEmitter
from .constants_ren import Direction

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from .encyclopaedia_ren import Encyclopaedia

init python:

from operator import attrgetter  # NOQA E402
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union  # NOQA E402

[docs] class EncEntry(EventEmitter, store.object): """Store an Entry's content. EncEntry instances should be added to an Encyclopaedia or another EncEntry. Args: parent: The parent container for the EncEntry. number: The entry's number. If this is not set then it will be given a number automatically. name: Title, normally used for buttons and headings. text: The text that will be displayed when the entry is viewed. subject: The subject to associate the entry with. Used for sorting and filtering. viewed: Set the viewed status of the EncEntry. Default is False. Only use if the Encyclopaedia is save-game independent. viewed_persistent: Use persistent data for recording viewed status. locked: Set the locked status of the EncEntry. Default is False. locked_persistent: Use persistent data for recording locked status. image: The image displayed with the Entry text. Default is None. locked_name: Placeholder text for the name. Shown when the entry is locked. locked_text: Placeholder text for the text. Shown when the entry is locked. locked_image: Placeholder image for the image. Shown when the entry is locked. locked_image_tint: If no specific locked image is provided, a tinted version of the image will be used. The amount of tinting can be set with RGB values in a tuple. Attributes: has_image: True if an image was provided, else False. pages: List of all the pages this entry contains. has_pages: If an entry has any sub-entries. """ def __init__(self, parent: Optional[Union['Encyclopaedia', 'EncEntry']] = None, number: Optional[int] = None, name: str = "", text: Union[str, list[str]] = "", subject: str = "", viewed: bool = False, viewed_persistent: Optional[bool] = False, locked: bool = False, locked_persistent: Optional[bool] = False, image: Optional[str] = None, locked_name: str = "???", locked_text: str = "???", locked_image: Optional[str] = None, locked_image_tint: tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ) -> None: # Place the entry into the assigned Encyclopaedia or EncEntry. # self.parent is set to None so that add_entry doesn't think # this EncEntry is already inside an Encyclopaedia. self.parent: Optional[Union['Encyclopaedia', 'EncEntry']] = None # number is used by the Encyclopaedia, page_number by EncEntry. self.number = number self.page_number: int = 1 self.locked_name = locked_name self.locked_text = string_to_list(locked_text) self.locked_image = locked_image self._name = name self._text = string_to_list(text) self._viewed = viewed self.subject = subject self._locked = locked self._image = image # When locked status is persistent, get the value from renpy.persistent. self.locked_persistent = locked_persistent if self.locked_persistent: self._locked = getattr(persistent, self._name + "_locked") # persistent variables default to None when not found. if self._locked is None: self._locked = locked setattr(persistent, self._name + "_locked", locked) if parent is not None: parent.add_entry(self) self.has_image: bool = False if image is not None: self.has_image = True # If there's an image, but no locked image is specified, # tint the image and use it as the locked image. if locked_image is None: c = Color(rgb=locked_image_tint) self.locked_image = Transform(image, matrixcolor=TintMatrix(c)) # Setup pages # The current instance must be the first in the sub-entry list. self.pages: list['EncEntry'] = [self] # Cache unlocked pages self.unlocked_pages: list['EncEntry'] = [self] self.has_pages = False # Relative to the unlocked pages, cache the position of the active page. self._unlocked_page_index = 0 self.callbacks: dict[str, list[Callable[['EncEntry'], None]]] = { "viewed": [], # Run when this entry is viewed for the first time. "unlocked": [], # Run when this entry is unlocked. "entry_unlocked": [], # Run whenever a child entry is unlocked. } # When viewed status is persistent, get the value from renpy.persistent. self.viewed_persistent = viewed_persistent if self.viewed_persistent: self._viewed = getattr(persistent, self._name + "_viewed") # persistent variables default to None when not found. if self._viewed is None: self.viewed = False def __repr__(self) -> str: # NOQA D105 return f"EncEntry(number={self.number}, name={})" def __str__(self) -> str: # NOQA D105 return self.label @property def locked(self) -> bool: """Determine if the entry's data can be viewed or not. Changing this variable will modify the entry's locked status. """ return self._locked @locked.setter def locked(self, new_value: bool) -> None: if self.locked_persistent: setattr(persistent, self._name + "_locked", new_value) # Only run if the entry was locked if (self._locked is not False) and (new_value is False): self._locked = new_value if self.parent is not None: self.parent.add_entry_to_unlocked_entries(self) self.parent.emit("entry_unlocked") self.emit("unlocked") @property def viewed(self) -> bool: """Determine if the entry has been viewed or not. Changing this variable will modify the entry's viewed status. """ return self._viewed @viewed.setter def viewed(self, new_value: bool) -> None: if self.viewed_persistent: setattr(persistent, self._name + "_viewed", new_value) self._viewed = new_value @property def label(self) -> str: """The number and name of the entry, in the format of 'number: name'.""" number = str(self.number).zfill(2) return f"{number}: {}" @property def current_page(self) -> 'EncEntry': """Get the sub-page that's currently viewing viewed. Setting this attribute should be done using an integer. """ return self.unlocked_pages[self._unlocked_page_index] def __get_entry_data(self, data: Any, locked_data: Any) -> Any: """Used by (name, text, image) attributes to check if the placeholder should be returned. Return: If True or None, return the data requested, otherwise the placeholder for the data """ if self.locked or self.locked is None: return locked_data return data @property def name(self) -> str: """The name for the entry. Return placeholder when entry is locked.""" return self.__get_entry_data(self._name, self.locked_name) @name.setter def name(self, val: str) -> None: self._name = val self.viewed = False @property def text(self) -> list[str]: """The text for the entry. Return placeholder when entry is locked.""" return self.__get_entry_data(self._text, self.locked_text) @text.setter def text(self, val: list[str]) -> None: self._text = val self.viewed = False @property def image(self) -> str: """The image for the entry. Return placeholder when entry is locked.""" return self.__get_entry_data(self._image, self.locked_image) @image.setter def image(self, val: str) -> None: self.has_image = True self._image = val self.viewed = False
[docs] def add_entry(self, entry: 'EncEntry') -> bool: """Add multiple pages to the entry in the form of sub-entries. Args: entry: The entry to add as a sub-entry. Return: True if anything was added, else False. Raise: AttributeError: If the entry is already the page of another entry. ValueError: If the entry has a number that is already taken. """ if entry.parent is not None and entry.parent != self: raise ValueError( f"{entry} is already a page of {self.parent}", ) # When a new entry has a number, ensure it's not already used. if entry.number is not None: if any(i for i in self.pages if i.number == entry.number): raise ValueError( f"{entry.number} is already taken.", ) elif entry.number is None: entry.number = len(self.pages) + 1 # Child Entries always have matching number and page_number entry.page_number = entry.number entry.parent = self if entry not in self.pages: if entry.locked is False: self.add_entry_to_unlocked_entries(entry) self.pages.append(entry) # Sort by number. self.pages = sorted( self.pages, key=attrgetter('page_number'), ) self.has_pages = True return True return False
[docs] def add_entry_to_unlocked_entries(self, entry: 'EncEntry') -> None: """Add an entry to the list of unlocked entries. Args: entry: The Entry to add to the unlocked entries list. """ self.unlocked_pages.append(entry) # Remove duplicates self.unlocked_pages = list(set(self.unlocked_pages)) self.unlocked_pages = sorted( self.unlocked_pages, key=attrgetter('page_number'), )
def _change_page(self, direction: Direction) -> bool: """Change the current sub-entry page.""" new_page_number = self._unlocked_page_index + direction.value # Don't allow moving beyond bounds. if new_page_number < 0: return False elif new_page_number > len(self.pages): return False self._unlocked_page_index = new_page_number # Update viewed state if self.current_page.viewed is False: self.current_page.viewed = True return True
[docs] def previous_page(self) -> bool: """Set the previous sub-entry page as the current page.""" return self._change_page(Direction.BACKWARD)
[docs] def next_page(self) -> bool: """Set the next sub-entry page as the current page.""" return self._change_page(Direction.FORWARD)
@property def word_count(self) -> int: """Get the word count for the EncEntry's text. Return: The number of words in the EncEntry. """ count = 0 for item in self._text: count += len(item.split()) return count